Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne Kickstarter is live!

Heya folks,

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up, Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne Kickstarter went live yesterday and was funded 2 1/2 hours after it started!  More after the break!
Based on the Pendragon RPG system, this game transports players to Europe in the 9th century, its focus, much like Pendragon is on players as knights.  The text for the book is 708 (!!) pages long and is already complete, they are running the Kickstarter to fund the art.  There are only two levels of pledge, a limited number of stretch goals (new adventures that are unlocked at each additional $5K over the original goal - all of these are also already written) and a couple of add-on's including dice and a print copy of Pendragon 5.2 (which has not been released in print until now).  Overall it looks like a solid Kickstarter campaign, its not overblown with stretch goals and the writing is already done so hopefully there will be no issues with delivering the final product.

Map in a work in progress but shows the regions covered.
I'm super excited for this product, I LOVE the Pendragon system and own just about everything ever created for it and the Carolingian Empire has long been a favorite period of history for me.  It will be fun to be able to play during this amazing period of history!

Illustration by Matthew Ryan.
Head on over to the Kickstarter page to fund this project, they have already surpassed several of the stretch goals and there is still thirty-seven days left!


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