Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Horror on the Orient Express - Episode 15 - Down the Rabbit Hole is now availible!


EPISODE 15: Down the Rabbit Hole

After the explosion at Gaspari's medical office, Reginald descends into further madness. Gaspari deals with the loss of his office while Grekov continues his research into the Sedefkar Simulacrum, Comte Fenalik, and the Amusco Codex.

Find the podcast here!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Horror on the Orient Express - Episode 14 - Moulin Rouge - Now Out!


EPISODE 14 - Moulin Rouge 

After the stress of the past few days, the Investigators take an evening of relaxation and attend the Moulin Rouge where nothing untoward could possibly happen...

Find the podcast here!